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04 novembre 2007
Plate-forme :
PS Vita / Psp
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Googlecus presents  |___/    - Google your shit before asking
          |  Google Search  ||  I'm Feeling Lucky  |

>--[Release Note]---------------------------------------------<

  Name: Socom US Navy Seals Tactical Strike Demo Disc

  Resion..........: USA           Language.......: English
  Release date....: 2007.11.04    Store Date.....: 2007.xx.xx
  System..........: PSP           Filename.......: ggl-socomts.iso
  Size............: 12 x 20 MB

>--[Release Info]---------------------------------------------<

 For collectors only!

>--[Release list]---------------------------------------------<

 001 Popolocrois Monogatari - Pietro Ouji no Bouken (PSP the best)
 002 Nou ni Kaikan - Aha Taiken (v.2)
 003 Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition (v.2)
 004 Dora-Slot Kyojin no Hoshi II (v.2)
 005 Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (v.3)
 006 Talkman Shabe Lingual Eikaiwa for kids (UCJS-10054)
 007 Lumines (v.2)
 008 Tales of the World Radiant Mythology (Special Pack)
 009 Dead Head Fred (Demo)
 010 Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (ULJM-05284)
 011 Socom US Navy Seals Tactical Strike Demo Disc (Demo)

 - Caravan - DMU - WRG - pSyPSP - BAHAMUT - SUSHi - Legacy -
 - ECHELON - GANT - ZRY - KFC - AoC - WjR - Lightforce - TMD -
 - Darkforce - DMZ - CHRONiC - LameAssFucker - pSyDS - XPA -
 - Nextlevel - JRP - iND - Start2 - ARTiSAN - CONFLiCT -  OTL -
 - Rising Sun - Supplex - LOVE - PARADOX - Goomba - DvB - UCC -
 - METHS - KANiMOGE - NEET - MLGB - 2CH - Google ...and all friends smile.gif