VitaQuake v2.1 disponible

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VitaQuake v2.1 disponible
Le développeur Rinnegatamante nous propose une nouvelle version de Vita Quake qui passe en v2.1, Vita Quake pour rappel a été produit sur la base de winQuake, une version Windows du jeu libérée en 1997. C'est la version démo qui est intégrée mais il est possible de mettre la version complète en remplaçant le  pak1.pak dans le dossier ID1.
Cette nouvelle version désactive la synchronisation verticale, elle apporte aussi une nouvelle résolution 480x272, cette faculté permet de lancer le jeu en vitesse constante à 60 FPS avec des musiques et des effets sonores originaux.
Pour ceux qui utilisent d'anciennes versions de vitaQuake, vous pouvez maintenant désinstaller le sélecteur Mod vitaQuake, devenu inutile, car il est intégré à l'application vitaQuake.



Version 2.10
- Added a benchmark option in the menu.
- Fixed a crash caused by being out of bounds.
- Fixed the IP:Port resolving problem.
- Added a serverlist option in Join Game screen with a couple of multiplayer servers available.
- Added a new official multiplayer server with deatmatch-only maps (Requires Full Game).
- Fixed controllers vibration. Now works as intended. (PSTV only)
- Merged the mod selection menu in the main app. (Hold R-Trigger once the screen is black to load it.). Any folder with pak files or a progs.dat is enough to be detected.
- Added a Vsync option. (turn it off for maximum performances)
- Increased the maximum text displayed on a single console line.
- Fixed cshifts not correctly refreshed after dying on lava/slime/water.
- Fixed a crash whenever you execute too many config files in a short time.
- The console/text inputs are now using the IME keyboard, not danzeff anymore.
- The front touchscreen can now be toggled between a camera or a button.
- Added psvita_front_sensitivity_x , psvita_front_sensitivity_y , psvita_back_sensitivity_x , psvita_back_sensitivity_y CVARs for better controls.
- Added new keys for menu: TRIANGLE to go back to the previous menu.
- Fixed lots of Key problems related to other navigations.
- Added L & R shoulders can be used to track back the console messages.
- Adapted the ProQuake 3.40 protocol to join / create servers.
- Fixed an unknown bug related to loading a solo game after playing deathmatch.
- Added a "Previous Weapon" binding (bound to CIRCLE by default).
- Reworked a bit the controls menu.
- Fixed a BIT oversight, which made every element from the HUD out of place (invisible while invulnerable, etc...)
- VitaQuake's version (and GIT revision) is now displayed on startup, aswell as on the console.
- Lots of performance boosts.
- A few mods that have custom models (such as X-Men Ravages of Apocalypse or Zerstörer) crashes when starting a map.



Téléchargement : VitaQuake v2.1
Dimanche 23 Octobre 2016, 18:41 par tralala
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23 octobre 2016, 21:14
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27 octobre 2016, 16:27
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